A valued and integral member of our team, Amber brings equal parts skill and positivity to her leadership role at our headquarter operations in Hudson, NY.

She is originally from the Hudson area, and joined our team about 18 months ago after studying and working in theater.

Earlier in her career,  she custom-crafted costumes for Broadway shows in New York City, and later managed the costume department for a theater in Albany, NY.

Since joining us 18 months ago, Amber has taken charge of our production department.

In her words: “I manage our inventory, I process all of the orders, I help her execute designs, I manage the made-to-order process, I even sew custom orders once in a while. Plus, I manage our website. I’ve even designed some of our pillows.”

Count Barrington, Brooklyn and Izzy among Amber’s original creations for TL at Home.

But one of her most valuable contributions is her ability to understand my design vision, as TL’s owner + creative.

Amber is similarly minded to me in how she organizes her thoughts around design. I can tell her anything and she totally understands what I want, and can offer constructive feedback to make it better. I don’t have to explain concepts to her from here to Sunday. She gets it all, from the get-go.

Amber is smart, capable and creative, and an all-around pleasure to work with. She has transformed our production department and has her hands on every order.

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